TED Talk Analysis

Telling a great story often involves a deliberate alteration of emotions. In this paper, we objectively measure and analyze the narrative trajectories of stories in public speaking and their impact on subjective ratings.

Aging and Engaging

Imagine deploying a fully automated conversational system with sensing and language understanding to older adults to improve their social skills. We show that w/ 8 sessions over several weeks, socially isolated older adults can retain and generalize the skills with other humans.


Currently, stroke is the leading cause of adult disability in the US. Most of the stroke patients suffer from great difficulties and they need a better way to boost their rehabilitation process.

ROC Speak

ROC Speak is a platform that allows you to record your speech on the browser and receive automated feedback on many aspects. In addition, you may share your video to receive personal feedback.


Many individuals exhibit unconscious body movements called mannerisms while speaking. These repeated changes often distract the audience when not relevant to the verbal context.

Online Python Tutor

Online Python Tutor is a free educational tool that helps students overcome a fundamental barrier to learning programming: understanding what happens as the computer executes each line of a program’s source code.


Automated systems are not yet able to engage in a robust dialogue with users due to the complexity and ambiguity of natural language. However, humans can easily converse with one another and maintain a shared history of past interactions.